Mass media about us
Teleexpress TVP – February 2020
The material includes about our Wheelchair Self-Defense and Crossfit classes for people with physical disabilities. See how the participants of the classes talk about it!
Krakow Chronicle TVP Krakow – February 2020
The material includes about our Wheelchair Self-Defense and Crossfit classes for people with physical disabilities. See how the participants of the classes talk about it!
Teleexpress TVP 5 March 2019
The material includes about our Crossfit activities and activities for people with physical disabilities. See how the participants of the classes comment on this topic!
Krakow Chronicle TVP Krakow 2 March 2019
The material includes about our Crossfit activities and activities for people with physical disabilities. See how the president of the Foundation Rafał Pawłowski, trainer Monika Pałka and the participants of the classes comment on this topic!
Interview on Radio Eska – 25 February 2019
The material includes about our activities, Crossfit classes for people with physical disabilities and the Accessible Culture project.
Guest of the Day- TVP Kraków 18 September 2018
The President of our Foundation, Rafał Pawłowski, and Łukasz Śliwa, board member, had the opportunity to talk about the Foundation’s activities in the “Guest of the Day” program in the TVP3 Krakow studio. For people who missed the broadcast of the program, please watch.